75 Minute Hatha Class on Saturday Morning at Binghamton Yoga
In the past four weeks, I've found that my students benefit the most from a slow, deliberate pace, since it allows time to set up the pose and settle into it. I may switch gears in time, but for now this has resonated in my own practice and many of my regulars seem to enjoy it as well.
I focused this sequence on forward bending while also incorporating gentle twists. I targeted hips, side body, thighs, and shoulders to allow for better movement leading up to Upavistha Konasana. We started in a chair (with stiff bodies in mind) to warm up the body slowly and gently after a full night's sleep. Open hips, active shoulders, and a long side body, come together for greater access to the body in twists and forward folds.
Type of Class: Forward Bending/Gentle Twists Props: Strap, 2 Blocks, 2 Blankets, Chair
Warm Up/Conditioning:
- Seated on Chair: Feet => Figure 4 => Feet Wide Fwd Fold (Grab chair legs for deeper fold)
- Seated on Chair: Wide Forward Fold Twists => Upright Seated Twists
- Laying Oblique Twist => Cat/Cow => Extended Cat/Cow
- Uttan. => Grapevine feet for light twist fwd bend => roll to stand
- Sun Salutation => Anjaneyasana => Traction/Sphinx
- Puppy => Extended Child’s posture (R/L) => Puppy Spinal Rolls
- Uttanasana => Flat Back => open to right, right hand on right hip
Standing Poses:
- Wide Leg Down Dog => Prasarita Padottanasana A => Twist
- Sun Salutation => Virabadhrasana I => Cobra
- Tadasana C => Trikonasana
- Standing Balance (Knee perpendicular) => Standing Thigh Stretch
- Utkatasana => Parvrittra Utkatasana
- Pigeon => Twist
Seated Poses (w/blankets/strap):
- Dhandasana => Paschimottanasana
- Upavista Konasana => Side to Side => Paschimottanasana
- Janu Sirsasana
Cool Down (Twists/Forward Bends):
- Roll on back => Setu Bandhasana 3x (w/Tailbone tucked)
- Supine Twist, Knees Together, Arms in ‘T’ Position
- Supta Padagustasana w/ strap => Side to Side => Figure 4
- Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby)
- Legs up wall w/chair => stay for savasana or move into relaxed savasana
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