Saturday, January 18, 2014

Align & Flow: Back Bending

75 Minute Align & Flow Class on Saturday morning at Binghamton Yoga

This sequence is punctuated with a slow, intentional pace, picking up where we left off with last week's class. I found that everyone's postures truly benefitted from the extended pace, allowing them to settle into each posture after 5-6 breaths. The warm up is longer than others I've done in the past, but many of the yogis were able to find a more successful backbend after taking the care and attention to prep their bodies effectively. As a back bending class, the sequence targets the hips, thighs, shoulders, and chest, as a way to lead up to the pinnacle posture, Ustrasana.

I began class with a focus on releasing the Iliopsoas muscles, which are the strongest muscles of the hip flexors. A tight iliopsoas leads to a tight abdomen, which prevents an open and successful backbend. After this I emphasized an open chest and active shoulder to support a strong Ustrasana. 

Type of Class: Back Bending Flow Props: Strap, 2 Blocks, 2 Blankets 
What needs to be open? Hips, Thighs, Shoulders, Chest

Warm Up/Conditioning: 
  • Supine Chest Opener: a block between shoulder blades and one to support head, arms extended out (5-10 min)
  • Roll on Right Side, extend left leg long and reach left arm over head => deeper stretch bring left leg to left corner of mat => Repeat on Left
  • Cat/Cow => Anahatasana (Extended Puppy)
  • Ardo Mukha Svanasana => Walk Dog => Feet to Hands
  • Standing Neck/Shoulders Activation: Neck Rolls, Arm Reach, Cover/Reveal, Pec Squeeze, Bicep Curls
  • Extended Puppy => Spinal Rolls => Traction => Sphinx
  • Bridge => Tailbone Tuck => Tuck and Lift Hips => Extend One Leg and Lift with Tailbone Tucked
Standing Poses: 
  • Tadasana C => Sun Salutation => Crescent => Baby Cobra => Salambasana
  • Tadasana C => Sun Salutation => Anjaneyasana C => Cobra
  • Step Wide => Virabhadrasana II => Reverse Warrior
  • Standing Balance (Knee perpendicular) => Standing Thigh Stretch: clasp ankle behind butt
  • Step Wide => Trikonasana
Seated Poses:
  • Ustrasana (3x building deeper into pose)
  • Ardha Dhanurasana (L/R) => Dhanurasana
  • Bridge A => Bridge C => Block
Cool Down (Twists/Forward Bends):
  • Hands Behind Thigh => Slowly Press Straight
  • Knee to Shoulder => Half Happy Baby => Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby) 
  • Hug Knees to Chest => Laying Twist, Knees Together, Arms in ‘T’ Position
  • Savasana

1 comment:

  1. This was a great class! I really appreciated your focus on opening the psoas, which felt marvelous first thing in the morning. Then combining this with spinal activation & shoulder exercises made backbends seem almost *second nature*.
