Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hatha Flow: Open Hips

75 Minute Hatha Flow on Saturday Morning at Binghamton Yoga

This Hatha style flow maintains a purposeful pace while also incorporating Yin Yoga into the practice. We focused on dynamically warming up the hips, groin, side body, hamstrings, and thighs, and worked towards Agnistambhasana

I added in a brief Yin Yoga sequence to find a deeper access to the muscles in the hips, both the stabilizers and the mobilizers with a focus on the piriformis. By relaxing into a pose, Yin Yoga allows the muscles as well as their connective tissue to stretch and release. After releasing the muscles in the hips, the class returned to a more active, dynamic practice. I encouraged them to be mindful of their bodies as they returned to Virabhadrasana II,  Parsvakonasana, and Trikonasana, and more importantly explore where tension may have dissipated. Many found they could deepen their postures without too much strain. Following this we began to work our way into Agnistambhasana with greater success since the muscles in the hips had released from both the dynamic and passive practice.

Type of Class: Forward Bending Props: Strap, 2 Blocks, 2 Blankets

Warm Up/Conditioning:  
  • Supta Padagustasana w/ strap: Leg loops => Side to Side
  • Laying Oblique Twist => Roll Side => Cat/Cow => Extensions 
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana => walk dog => feet to hands
  • Interlace Fingers open heart to Sky => Hollow Body => Side Stretch
  • Sun Salutation => Virabhadrasana I => Traction/Sphinx => extended child’s
  • Sun Salutation => Virabhadrasana II => Parsvakonasana => baby cobra

Standing Poses: 
  • Blocks: Parsvottanasana => Reverse Triangle 
Yin Yoga (stay in each pose for 2-3 minutes):
  • Supta Padagustasana (R/L) w/block supporting calf=> Hug knees => Hinge Legs
  • Figure 4 => Hug Knees => Hinge Legs
  • Cat Tail => Hug Knees => Hinge Legs
  • Happy Baby => Hug Knees => Hinge Legs 
  • Return to Standing Poses:
  • Balance => Thigh Stretch
  • Step Wide => Virabhadrasana II => Parsvakonasana => Trikonasana (Left Side)
  • Vrksasana 
  • Step Wide => Virabhadrasana II => Parsvakonasana => Trikonasana (Right Side)
  • Utkatasana => Pigeon => Twist

Seated Poses (w/blankets/strap as needed):
  • Dhandasana 
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Agnistambhastana (building to calves stacked)
  • Marichyasana

Cool Down (Twists/Forward Bends):
  • Roll on back => Supported Shoulder Stand w/block under sacrum => Hug Knees
  • Supta Chest Opener --> stay for savasana or move into relaxed savasana

Align & Flow: Forward Bending

75 Minute Hatha Class on Saturday Morning at Binghamton Yoga

In the past four weeks, I've found that my students benefit the most from a slow, deliberate pace, since it allows time to set up the pose and settle into it. I may switch gears in time, but for now this has resonated in my own practice and many of my regulars seem to enjoy it as well.  

I focused this sequence on forward bending while also incorporating gentle twists. I targeted hips, side body, thighs, and shoulders to allow for better movement leading up to Upavistha Konasana. We started in a chair (with stiff bodies in mind) to warm up the body slowly and gently after a full night's sleep. Open hips, active shoulders, and a long side body, come together for greater access to the body in twists and forward folds.

Type of Class: Forward Bending/Gentle Twists Props: Strap, 2 Blocks, 2 Blankets, Chair

Warm Up/Conditioning:  
  • Seated on Chair: Feet => Figure 4 => Feet Wide Fwd Fold (Grab chair legs for deeper fold)
  • Seated on Chair: Wide Forward Fold Twists => Upright Seated Twists
  • Laying Oblique Twist => Cat/Cow => Extended Cat/Cow
  • Uttan. => Grapevine feet for light twist fwd bend => roll to stand
  • Sun Salutation => Anjaneyasana => Traction/Sphinx
  • Puppy => Extended Child’s posture (R/L) => Puppy Spinal Rolls
  • Uttanasana => Flat Back => open to right, right hand on right hip 

Standing Poses: 
  • Wide Leg Down Dog => Prasarita Padottanasana A => Twist
  • Sun Salutation => Virabadhrasana I => Cobra
  • Tadasana C => Trikonasana
  • Standing Balance (Knee perpendicular) => Standing Thigh Stretch
  • Utkatasana => Parvrittra Utkatasana
  • Pigeon => Twist

Seated Poses (w/blankets/strap):
  • Dhandasana => Paschimottanasana
  • Upavista Konasana => Side to Side => Paschimottanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana 

Cool Down (Twists/Forward Bends):
  • Roll on back => Setu Bandhasana 3x (w/Tailbone tucked)
  • Supine Twist, Knees Together, Arms in ‘T’ Position
  • Supta Padagustasana w/ strap => Side to Side => Figure 4 
  • Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby)
  • Legs up wall w/chair => stay for savasana or move into relaxed savasana